Tom's Blog
10,000ft view of how TLC model checks TLA+ specs
A TLA+/PlusCal Mini-cookbook
How to do a few handy things in TLA+ and PlusCal
Intel(R) Wireless-AC 9260 and the Linux iwlwifi driver
Troubleshooting an Intel network card on Linux 5.4
The Unofficial Kafka Rebalance How-To
The nuts and bolts of consumer rebalances for Kafka client library authors.
A More Detailed Tour of the Rust Compiler
A deep dive into how the Rust compiler compiles source code into binaries.
Unable to generate spec: read file info /usr/lib/erlang/man/man1/python3.1 failed
This Debian bug was causing issues when I was working on some Erlang code.
Traits, Structs and Impls in Rust
Playing with Rust traits, structs and impls.
Managed & owned boxes in the Rust programming language
How managed & "owned" boxes work in the Rust programming language.